We are big believers in the value of the outside consultant and coach perspective. After all, outside perspective is one of the biggest values Texas Consilium provides to Texas businesses. The most talented athletes in the world all have coaches — because athletes know that the outside perspective is critical to them becoming their best.
At Texas Consilium, we also practice what we preach. Accordingly, we have engaged Joy Duling, Founder & CEO of The Joy of Membership, to serve as our objective outsider as we review and refine our own stakeholder engagement processes. We invite you to join us on our journey.
Join us as Joy steps us through the journey including the stages of anticipation, validation and longevity with our key stakeholder groups. After her overview of the process, your input will help with the discovery and planning process to help assure the best outcomes for Texas Consilium, yourself and others.
Those who lead for-profit businesses will likely find this journey insightful for your own customer and client engagement processes. Learn from our engagement journey as you experience it with us, and take lessons learned to your own organization.
This video provides the complete program from our breakfast on Tuesday, June 28, hosted on ZOOM ONLY so everyone could interact with Joy who was remote. If you would like to advance to Joy’s introduction and presentation please skip to 24:52 in the video.
We will continue to work together to create a Texas business experience like no other. The Pursuit of Excellence in action!
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