Leadership is Critical and Learned

Top leaders envision the future, and communicate the organization’s mission, values, and strategy to employees, partners, suppliers and customers. Leaders throughout the organization then translate that vision into actionable goals and objectives to be accomplished by every member of the team.

Any breakdown in leadership skills or communication jeopardizes the mission and impairs the organization’s performance. To help Texas companies and their entire teams achieve their true potential, Texas Consilium is collaborating with The University of Texas at Austin to provide training for Texas leaders and companies who want to pursue excellence — conveniently brought to you in your own community.

Learning is Continuous

Continuous learning is the progression of improving skills and knowledge on an on-going basis. It can exist within an organization or it can be personal through life-long learning. Continuous learning involves self-initiative, accepting challenges and working to become your best.

Choose Your Learning Path

Your greatest reward for improving your leadership skills will undoubtedly be the achievement of the greater potential for you and your organization. Most courses will also provide you with Continuing Education Units and a certificate of achievement from The University of Texas at Austin and Texas Consilium to document and commemorate your progress on your journey of becoming your best.

Standard Curriculum 

Principles of Project Management (2-Day Program)
Being an effective project leader requires a clear understanding of the essential elements of project management. In this course, you will learn the basic characteristics of a project and how to manage one effectively, explore key areas of expertise and learn how project stakeholders and organizational structures affect outcomes. 

Critical Problem Solving and Decision Making
Often misjudged as criticism, critical thinking focuses on the ability to follow logical steps, enabling you to arrive at a decisive and appropriate conclusion. From solving problems at work to facing challenging personal situations, critical thinking is a valuable skill for everyone to master. 

Leadership X-Factor: The Power of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence as measured by one’s emotional quotient (EQ), can be several times more powerful in predicting occupational performance than IQ (intelligence quotient) because it reflects the ability to apply what you know to the real-world situations you face. This course is designed to help participants unlock their leadership skills through the power of Emotional Intelligence. Course includes an individual assessment and one-on-one coaching prior to the group class. This course includes an advance assessment of each participant and an individual one-on-one review of her/his assessment results.

The Power of Strategic Communication
Strategic communications help organizations and their key audiences communicate across the right channels and with the right effect. To succeed, communications professionals need to think creatively about what will resonate with their audiences and use the right tools and media to reach them and have an impact.  

Coaching as a Leadership Strategy
Today’s workforce has different expectations of and needs from leadership than it has in the past. In this interactive course, you will learn how to move from a management style to a coaching style to be a more effective leader for this growing workforce. You will learn the power of questioning, how relational psychological contracts work and why they are important, and how to give continuous feedback while allowing employees the freedom to grow and fail in a supportive work environment.

Events in July 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
July 1, 2024
July 2, 2024
July 3, 2024
July 4, 2024
July 5, 2024
July 6, 2024
July 7, 2024
July 8, 2024
July 9, 2024
July 10, 2024
July 11, 2024
July 12, 2024
July 13, 2024
July 14, 2024
July 15, 2024
July 16, 2024
July 17, 2024
July 18, 2024
July 19, 2024
July 20, 2024
July 21, 2024
July 22, 2024
July 23, 2024
July 24, 2024
July 25, 2024
July 26, 2024
July 27, 2024
July 28, 2024
July 29, 2024
July 30, 2024
July 31, 2024
August 1, 2024
August 2, 2024
August 3, 2024
August 4, 2024

Custom Training Options

Want Team Training that is Customized?

What if you train your people and they leave? Even worse, what if you don’t train them and they stay?

People are your best investment. We know the importance of having and sharing real-world experience. That’s why The University of Texas at Austin, TEXAS Extended Campus instructors are hand-selected with a minimum of 10 years’ experience in their given industry. Combined with our Texas Consilium business advisors, they are able to drive a market-focused curriculum that can deliver effective solutions to your exact needs. Our goal is to provide your leaders and other key team members with the tools, techniques, knowledge and skills necessary to help your organization improve your culture and achieve your potential.

We will be glad to discuss what you would like to accomplish.  Let’s explore the possibilities! 

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Inquiry Form

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Do you support our mission of helping Texas businesses achieve their true potential? Can you or your business add value? Would you like to get better connected? Explore the many ways you can work with Texas Consilium to bring excellence to more Texas businesses.