Welcome to Texas Consilium!

It appears you have landed here through a referral from Texas CEO Magazine.  Welcome!

Our community partners all recognize the value that Texas Consilium can provide to Texas businesses who want to grow and prosper. As an economic development organization for the State of Texas, our mission is to grow the Texas economy by encouraging Texas businesses in their pursuit of excellence, connecting them with resources of all kinds, and helping them improve and achieve their true potential.

Our Texas Consilium Business Excellence Award is the most prestigious award for business excellence in Texas, to be presented in Frisco, TX and online on May 9-10, 2022.  We invite you to explore our website to learn more and take action to participate:

  Nominate your own or another Texas company for our Texas Consilium Business Excellence Award.
  Sponsor to connect with and support business leaders from throughout Texas.
  Register to attend our Business Excellence Awards & Executive Summit on May 9-10, 2022, either in person or online.
  Visit our Business Excellence Awards & Executive Summit web pages beginning HERE.
  Select from the list of other actions below and we will respond to your interests.

We would like to learn more about your interests, how we might help you, your business, or others you know. Please select as many of the following options as you would like.

Receive Email Invites – I would like to receive invitations to future events and activities. Please add me to your contact list.

Become a Speaker – I could be a speaker, panelist, or other “on-stage” resource for you, sharing my expertise or telling my company’s story. Let’s discuss the possibilities.

Receive Referrals – I would like Texas Consilium to refer prospects to me. Let me share what we do and explore the potential to collaborate.

Make Referrals – I would like to refer Texas-connected companies to Texas Consilium for possible assistance. Let me know how I can do this and make a difference.

Become an Advisor – I would like to explore joining the Texas Consilium team as a business advisor, business advocate, or other client-facing role to help Texas businesses.

Learn about Sponsoring – I support your mission, I value connecting with other Texas business leaders, and I would like to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.

Explore Award Nomination – I believe my company exemplifies excellence. I would like to explore nomination for the Texas Consilium Business Excellence Award.

Improve My Business – I believe my company doesn’t yet exemplify excellence in all areas, but we would like to. Let’s talk.

Let’s Discuss – Please describe any other interests here. We will gladly reach out to explore them with you.

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