How Can We Help?
What about my current consultant?
We want to understand your relationships with both prior and current consultants. If you have a current consultant or coach that you trust and that adds value for you, that’s great. You understand the value that the outside perspective can bring. The best consultants will recognize their strengths as well as their individual limits, and often embrace our ability to assist them in assuring your success. Our goal is not to displace your trusted advisors, but to understand their strengths and how they are helping you so we can focus on the gaps and needs that still exist.
We would like to meet with any current consultants so that we can collaborate on the plan that will get you from where you are to where you want to be. At Texas Consilium, we take a holistic view and we understand how all of the various functions of a business operate together as a system — and that includes the people, both internal and external, that should be working together to make it happen.
“None of us is as smart as all of us.” [Kenneth H. Blanchard]