Governor Abbott’s Message at Texas Consilium’s Opening Night Dinner

To quote our good friend Bill Wallace, “Texas Consilium hit a bases-loaded Grand Slam home run” with our Opening Night Dinner in Frisco, TX for the Smart Manufacturing Summit on May 13, 2019.

Most guests we’ve talked to thought the conversation with Jerry Jones was the highlight of the evening.  No question it was golden, and we can’t wait to share our video with you.  Several have said it was the most amazing interview of Jerry they have ever seen.

But then there was also Governor Abbott’s video.  Not only did he  congratulate his good friend Jerry Jones on being the inaugural recipient of the Texas Consilium’s Lifetime Achievement Award for Business Excellence,” but graciously continued his comments to praise Texas Consilium for the support you provide to businesses across the entire state” and “by working together…we will continue to elevate the Texas economy to even greater heights.”

And how about the panel discussion with top-level CEOs from Hilti, Epiroc, KAM and Ryan?  I know that many enjoyed the networking opportunity at the receptions, followed by our technology-enhanced LinkedIn networking exercise at dinner.  You may have your own favorite, and we will have a survey going out soon to learn more.

As we said at our closing: “It’s not about the event.  It’s about the relationships we create and enhance because of the event that matter.”